Traditional life and customs

Why were the people from Sulov used to be called crooked-mouths (krivohubci)? There are two possible explanations. The people from Sulov were noted for being great musicians. The lead musician Hoferica used to play the violin so soulfully that as he pulled the bow, he twisted his mouth. Another explanation speaks about a man from Sulov who was stealing at the fair. He curved his mouth all the time in order not to be recognized.
The people from Hradna were called smolivari, which might be based on two interpretations. The first one says about the resin (smolivo in Slovak language), which people from Hradna used to collect in the forest for making a fire. Another version says that the nickname is derived from the bad luck (smola in Slovak language), which is often holding on to people from Hradna. The locals lived in small wooden houses in the past, which consisted of one or two rooms and a hallway. Often, three multigenerational families used to live in one house. Family members used to sleep wherever possible – on the stove, behind the stove, on the bench, on the attic. The traditional occupation of the locals used to be farming and sheep and cattle breeding. The land of the village area did not provide enough opportunities to feed all members of the families. Some people were engaged in crafts, such as weaving, wheelwrighting, blacksmithing, etc. People made their own work tools especially during winter. For instance, they wove baskets, made birch brooms, spun hemp threads, wove linen, etc. Several locals were forced to leave their home and look for a work in order to ensure livelihood. They looked for a job in Czech Republic but also in other European countries, even in America. Some local customs and traditions are still alive in the village, for example Slavic carnival, painting of Eastern eggs, building of Maypole and various family and religious customs. Traditional dishes have been cooked in every household due to its delicious taste. Rare pieces of the local traditional clothing, as well as various objects of daily use, are exhibited in the Memorial Room of the village.

zdroj: Pamätná kniha obce Súľov-Hradná

Kraslice maľované včelím voskom a uvarené v odvare z cibuľových šupiek
foto M. Kerešová

Fašiangový sprievod v Hradnej
Obecná kronika