
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests create the most significant part of the forest cover. It is possible to find them in various forms. Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestrius), Sessile Oak (Quercus Petraea) and a wide range of shrubs join the beeches on warmer slopes. Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas) blooms with yellow flower clusters before the leaves sprout in the spring. It has red edible fruits in the autumn. Common shrubs are also Berberis vulgaris, Ligustrum vulgare, Sorbus and many others. Maple trees (Acer) join beeches in the more extreme habitats. A rare Common Yew (Taxus baccata) grows in the shadows of the rocks and tall beeches. Yew and Cornelian Cherry are remains of flora from pre-glaciation period.
Beech forests are very attractive in the spring. The most of light-demanding herbs bloom in there in that time. They can still find enough light in the ground layers; thus, they can bloom before the leaves of the trees sprout. Visitors may observe
Primula acaulis, Common hepatica (Hepatica nobilis), Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) which blooms later and many others. Rare beech species include the martagon lily (Lilium martagon) and red helleborine (Cephalanthera rubra) from the orchdaceae family (Orchidaceae).
The tourist trail, which is leading through the ridge of the Sulov Rocks, passes through beautiful rubble forests. They occur on steep slopes, for example under the rocks. Rubble forests can also be recognized by the larger representation of the so-called rubble trees such as lindens (Tilia), maples (Acer) and ashes (Fraxinus). The perennial honesty (Lunaria rediviva) blooms in the herbaceous undergrowth in the spring.

vlastné foto Jana Smatanová

Bukový les
vlastné foto Vladimír Ruček

Borovica lesná (Pinus sylvestris)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Drieň obyčajný (Cornus mas)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Zob vtáčí (Ligustrum vulgare)

Tis obyčajný (Taxus baccata)
vlastné foto Jana Smatanová

Pečeňovník trojlaločný (Hepatica nobilis), & Konvalinka voňavá (Convallaria majalis)
vlastné foto Monika Smatanová

Prilbovka červená (Ceplalanthera rubra)
vlastné foto Vladimír Ruček

Ľalia zlatohlavá (Lilium martagon)
vlastne foto MS