Flora of shadowy nooks

A group of special plant species grow in the shady gorges and in the damp rock crevices. Lower plants such as inconspicuous lichens and bryophytes play a very important role. It is possible to recognize the representatives of ferns such as (Polypodium vulgare) and aspleniums. For instance, maidenhair spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes), which has red stem of leaves. Then, there is green spleenwort (Asplenium viride), which has green stem of leaves, and wall-rue (Asplenium ruta-muraria) has cut leaves.
Western Carpathian endemit (Sodanella carpatica) prefers darker places and wetlands. It blooms very shortly in May. In the Sulov Rocks, it occurs especially in the Rohac massif. (Campanula cochlearifolia) draws attention with its neat groups of flowers even later in the summer. Other plants bloom inconspicuously. An example is sidebell wintergreen (Orthilia secunda) in the Sulov Rocks.

NCH_Tabuľa-9_Flóra tônistých zákutí
foto Jana Smatanová (CHKO)

Slezinník červený (Asplenium trichomanes)
vlastne foto MS

Slezinník zelený (Asplenium viride)
vlastne foto MS

Soldanelka karpatská (Sodanella carpatica)
vlastne foto MS

Hruštica jednostranná (Orthilia secunda)
vlastne foto MS